Summerland “Creasy Bear”

English Golden Retriever
Size: 78 pounds

Health Clearances:
Penn Hip - score 0.4
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Certified Eye Exam - Normal
OFA Certified Heart Exam - Normal
DM - Clear
GPRA1 - Clear
GPRA2 - Clear
GRMD - Clear
Ich - Clear
Ich 2 - Clear
NCL - GR - Clear
PRA-prod - Clear

View Creasy’s Pedigree and Health Clearances

Creasy is our handsome boy who comes from a long line of champions! He is always turning heads when we are out and about! He has a big personality! Gregarious and goofy yet shows great empathy! 

With every look, he is having a conversation with you! So many expressions! He is one of those dogs that looks right into your soul! My heart ❤️ dog!!!